Laughlin One Day Chord Piano Seminar Method, Piano Fun, New School of American Music, piano lessons
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Unsolicited Feedback from Our First Piano Lesson Podcast

This is awesome! It's so much easier to listen to someone, and to play along.
Alex Gabriel

I think podcasting is a great idea. I purchased the original course when it was on casette tape. Since then, you've continued to upgrade your products to meet the changing times. The conversion to CDs, the message boards, and now podcasting! Thank you so much and keep on doing what you do.
Vince Velasco

Wow! This is so cool! Thank you.
Carol Mount
Hey, congratulations on a very creative podcasting application.  I'm both a forever piano beginner and also someone who is in the process of getting my own podcast off the ground.  I don't have my first feed up, yet, but I'm getting close.  You can see the concept on my website, if you are curious. In the meantime, I'm going to be following your podcasts! Best,
David Van Nuys
I just want to echo what positive feedback you've received. I'm one of the mainstream Americans adults with too many demands on my time, yet haven't shed my inner urge to learn more music and play piano. Your embracing this internet technology puts piano right smack in the middle of a technology I use to make all my music easy to use. Thanks. I'm on my way.
Mark Brunelle
Excellent Idea! Learn-Piano-in-a-Day methods are a dime a dozen, so when I came across Robert Laughlin's "method" of piano teaching several years ago, I passed on the material because of the lack of audio samples. However, I listened to this podcast and was quite impressed. I am going to use the next few podcasts to decide whether or not to invest in this method. Great Job! I look forward to the next podcast. Thanks!

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